NAVY® Barstool

Timeless. Stools admired today and indefinitely. Stools that span generations and cultures. Built individually by a handful of craftsmen. 77 painstaking steps at a time. The enduring timeless Classics.

It takes eight man-hours to hand polish each stool. Hand-polished stool develop a natural "patina" with age and use, similar to any fine metal. Every inch of each stool is hand brushed in the direction of the aluminum grain. This gives the metal warmth in appearance.

Craftsmen grind each weld flush for a one-piece appearance. It’s a super-precise technique - you won't see this on any other aluminum stool.

Brushed stool are anodized, an electrolytic process that changes the surface of the aluminum stool from aluminum to diamond-hard aluminum oxide.

Guaranteed for Life.


No. 1006-30



109 cm



46 cm



54 cm



76 cm


8 lb

3.83 kg

1006-30: $710.00 per stool
Available Finish:

 Hand Brushed

1006-30AP: $1,600.00 per stool
Available Finish:

 Hand Polished

Opt. Seat Pad:

Upholstery: Black vinyl or COM/COL. COM: 0.5 yd,  COL: 10 sq ft

$120.00 each, $140.00 w/Fire Retardant

To order or if you have any questions, please call us anytime at our

24/7/365 Customer Care Center: 478-320-2502

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